We have created a unique platform that combines the best international techniques and meets all the requirements of indexing databases, search engines, and regulators in the field for candidates.
We have also combined international experience and our innovations in the field of online document management, reviewing, editing, and publishing scientific content online into an innovative product available to every scientific journal.
| authors | readers |
| editors | publishers |
Online at a convenient time 24/7
Statistics & Altmetrics
all media files
Widely customizable PHP-based code of the content management system provides the user with unlimited possibilities to modify the appearance and functionality
Flexible system of online document management, customizable for the characteristics of each journal/publisher
The system for accepting articles from authors online, combined with the online document management system of the editorial office
Support to various journal distribution options like open access, deferred open access, and subscription model with subscription management module
The system integrates services for scientific publications, such as Crossref, ORCiD, PubMed and DOAJ
The system creates sites for scholarly journals whose structure is highly recommended by Google Scholar for the best indexing of published content
The system is multilingual and enables one to publish content in more than 30 languages
Improved translation of the Russian-language segment of the interface, formal texts, and templates of standard letters
Website design and ergonomics for readers, authors, reviewers, and editors
Email module with a connection to the editorial office email via an SMTP protocol (protection from letters entering SPAM)
Integration of all Crossref services, namely, DOI, Cyted-By, CrossMark, FundRef, and CrossCheck (SimilarityCheck)
Integration of text verification for borrowing through Antiplagiat and iThenticate software
Placing full-text articles in PDF, HTML, and XML JATS.
Integrations with Electronic Libraries vie OAI-PMH protocol.
Improved algorithms for submission of articles (one-stage simplified algorithm or seven-staged protocol for submission of articles)
Altmetrics and article-by-article statistics for all content (Dimensions, PlumX, Crossref Cited By, and Altmetrics)
Indexing of all article elements (including DOI assignment), including images, datasets, media materials
Publishing language versions of articles with one set of publisher’s imprint (as well as one DOI)
Search for reviewers in the international database of reviewers Publons (Clarivate), verification of reviews in Publons
Online First (Publish Ahead-of-Print) with DOI registration of articles before publication as part of the published title
Retractions of articles and publication of corrections to articles in the editor interface
Tools for promoting articles through mailing lists, Really Simple Syndication, news feeds, and social networks
Publication of graphical abstracts for articles
Integrated payment systems YooMoney and PayPal for processing payments from readers/subscribers, authors, and advertisers
Detailed video instructions for authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers
We offer a wide range of services and opportunities for cooperation
150 USD
Monthly per a journal
orderThe journal web-site will be a part of the gereral journal hosting platform
Own or corporate domain
Custom design and CSS layout
Article-by-article archive
Unlimited server space
Daily backups
Unified online Editorial desk and user database
Training of the editorial staff
Technical support 24/7
Timely article-by-article publishing of issues, use PDF and XML for metadata
Indexing in databases (Crossref, RSCI, DOAJ, MEDLINE, PubMed Central, RusMed, Cyberleninka, SCOPUS, WoS, and CNKI)
Individualization of the online Editorial desk
Making any changes to the site of the journal
Audit of the journal, drawing up requests for indexing in databases
Registration of DOI for publications
User access tools for publishers and editorial services
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Eco-Vector, 1998-2025