Publishing journals

The Eco-Vector Publishing House publishes over 100 scientific, academic, and research peer-reviewed periodicals, printed and online journals in various fields of science
· Catalogue of all journals
· Catalogue of medical journals

About journals

We publish both journals with a long history and recent publications in new fields of science and technology, including medicine and health care, physical and mathematical sciences, philosophy, economics, jurisprudence, biological sciences, art and culture, pedagogy, and politics. The journals are accomplished and in demand not only in Russia but worldwide, and they continue to gain the interest of readers and authors.

Eco-Vector provides services throughout the entire publishing cycle for print and online scholarly peer-review journals in Russian, English, Chineese, Portugal and other languages from the creation to distribution.

Do you want to publish a journal?

We handle all kinds of complex works associated with the online publishing from obtaining DOI and setting up archives to registering the publication in international abstract databases and automating document flow. Send us a request for a specialist consultation




We help publishers register their journal as a mass medium with Roskomnadzor, collect and execute the relevant documents accurately, provide assistance if a publication needs to be re-registered, and help register online publication.


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and eISSN assignment

The presence of the ISSN in a journal as well as accurate information about the journal in the ISSN registry is a requirement for effective distribution of publication not only in Russia but worldwide.

The ISSN is assigned to periodicals in compliance with the International Standard ISO 3297-2007, which defines the ISSN as the identifier for serial and other continuing publications. The ISSN is assigned to Russian periodicals only at the National ISSN Center of the Russian Federation.

We help and advise publishers in obtaining ISSN and eISSN, assist in the preparation of documents for the Russian Book Chamber (based on which the national ISSN center operates) regarding a new edition, the emergence of new forms (for example, online form) of an old edition or new publication attributes (for example, a parallel title in the English language).


Website development

The journal’s website is one of the primary ways of distributing information published in the publication to the readers.

Therefore, we create sites for scholarly journals based on the specialized online publishing platform EVESYST (Eco-Vector Editorial SYSTem). It is due to the introduction of international experience and the best IT solutions of the largest publishers into the work of our journals that journals become competitive with recognized global publications in the struggle for readers and authors.

The EVESYST platform can make journals consistent with all international standards and requirements and enable them to implement the best editorial and publishing capabilities in the work of the journal’s editorial team.


Customization of digital editorial office

The digital editorial office is a system of online document flow between all participants in the process of preparing a titles for publication, including authors, reviewers, the team of the editorial board and editorial staff as well as employees of the publishing and printing house.

The digital editorial office is part of the EVESYST editorial and publishing system, which is used as a base to create websites for each of our journals. It is the most advanced technique of managing scientific periodicals, which is a worldwide recognized standard. The digital editorial office enables the journal’s team the following things:

  • collect manuscripts from authors in electronic form along with all accompanying documents and additional files and learn about new manuscript entries in the journal 24/7;

  • test manuscripts sent to the editor for the existence of borrowed text through partner services (Antiplagiat, iThenticate);

  • hold correspondence with the authors on the issues of making relevant modifications to the manuscript according to the recommendations of the editorial board and/or reviewers;

  • invite reviewers and keep a record of the process of reviewing manuscripts, ensure the blinding of the review procedure and transfer of information on reviewing to journals in the Russian Science Citation Index, ORCiD and/or Publons to recognize the contribution of reviewers to the publication development;

  • record the decisions made by the editors concerning the possibility of publishing the manuscripts considered and updating their versions after revisions;

  • inform authors about the state of the process of reviewing manuscripts and their preparation for publication;

  • provide authors and editors with access to the history of the manuscript revision, correspondence, and versions of the manuscript as well as the final published files through the personal account;

  • engage employees from anywhere in the world with the staff of the editorial board and the publishing house and ensure effective communication between participants in the publication preparation (including those who speak different languages);

  • manage the process of prepress preparation of articles accepted for publication (editing, formatting, translation, layout, proofreading, manuscript reading, edition collection, online publication, sending to a printing house, etc.);

  • publish articles on the website of the publication long before the print version is released, index fully the articles in the “Published Ahead of Print” section in all databases;

  • create, maintain, and use a user base of the journal’s website, including informing the website users about the release of the next issues of the periodical and important events in the journal.


Development of the reviewers database

We help the editorial board of the journal with the search for reviewers for incoming manuscripts in different ways. We provide access to the internal database of reviewers of Eco-Vector journals indicating the field of interest of the people included in it as well as connect the journal to the international reviewer search service Publons Reviewers Connect (Clarivate).


Development of a list of candidates for the editorial staff and editorial board

Eco-Vector helps the journal directorship in finding members of the editorial board based on the publication activity and scientific reputation of scientists, presented as indicators on the, SCOPUS, and Web of Science platforms. We select the most successful and actively published specialists in the subject fields selected by the editor-in-chief for the most relevant keywords and search queries as well as conduct an independent assessment of the publication activity and relevance of the current editorial board of the subject field of interest of the journal.


Informing the audience of potential authors

We advertise the publisher’s journal on our website (,, publisher’s branches on social networks, etc.), at events (SciCraft, Science Editor School, and others), and through partner information resources.


Creation of guidelines and standards for editorial work of the journal

We provide the journal’s staff with standard texts and samples of documents in Russian and English languages to create their own guidelines and policies in the journal as well as advise on the choice of models and conditions for publishing articles and share our experience in developing and applying various techniques for publishing and distributing the content.


Organization of work on the acceptance and review of author’s manuscripts

The Eco-Vector Publishing House is prepared to train the editorial staff of the journal to work in the digital editorial office, share the experience of editorial and publishing practices, and develop algorithms for working with typical situations in everyday editorial work. If the journal employees do not have the required competencies or capabilities, we are ready to undertake the corresponding editorial and publishing functions.



The Eco-Vector Publishing House handles both literary and scientific editing of manuscript texts before publication. Our team of literary editors includes professionals with vast expertise working with scientific texts in various fields, including medicine. We adhere to strict publishing standards for the preparation of scientific texts based  on international requirements, and we refer to the most authoritative data sources in our work.

We are ready to provide literary editing of the text, it’s formatting and structuring, including the design of lists of references according to international standards.


Design and layout (PDF, HTML, XML)

Design and layout represent two essential components in the creation of any publication.

The Eco-Vector team of art editors can develop the concept and image of the future journal or propose challenging ideas for transforming the journal with a long history, striving to achieve new horizons, adjust its style and emphasize individuality as well as strengthen its attractiveness for the reader and author.

We implement the layout of articles, taking into account not only the requirements of printing but also the peculiarities of placing the publication in the WEB environment on the Internet or online media, as the articles are prepared and published in PDF, XML, and HTML formats.


Drawing author’s illustrations

Eco-Vector Publishing House offers all types of work with images such as drawing of author’s illustrations, color correction, retouching, compositing, scanning, and restoration of scanned images as well as creating images according to the instructions (description) of the author. Experienced art editors, layout designers, designers, and artists are involved in the process. We prepare illustrations considering the requirements of the WEB environment and contemporary printing technologies.



We make necessery efforts to distribute the journals to readers across the world. Scholarly journals need a high-quality English not only in metadata (title, abstract, and keywords) but also full texts of published articles.

Eco-Vector Publishing House handles professional translation of articles (Russian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, etc.). We implement a two-stage translation system, which includes the following steps:

  • primary translation of a text from into English with involvement of professional translators with at least five years of work experience;

  • proofreading of English texts with involvement of native-speaking professional editors of scientific literature in the relevant field of knowledge.



We provide proofreading of works formatted in electronic form. This proofreading allows the team of highly professional proofreaders to review and proofread the publications in the shortest possible time while ensuring the high quality of each article in the journal.


Publishing articles online

Our editorial and publishing platform EVESYST enables us to publish articles and titles online:

  • long before the release of printed versions of the publication;

  • in various distribution models (Open Access, Delayed Open Access, and Subscription);

  • with open licenses (Creative Commons) or with copyright retention on the side of the publisher;

  • in various formats (PDF, XML, HTML, etc.);

  • with additional media content (images, video, and audio).


Print run

We organize high-quality journal printing, including stitching, casework, and preparation for handover to the customer. We use both digital and offset printing on modern printing equipment. We are also ready to replicate previously published works (additional printing of archival issues).


Distribution and subscription

The journals are distributed in both printed and online formats. Circulations of printed versions of journals are distributed to readers through subscription agencies (Kniga-Servis, Ural-press, Informnauka, Pressinform, Ruspressa, and Pressinform); It is also distributed at specialized scientific and educational events and exhibitions for specialists. We distribute journals online through our websites of publications, full-text databases (National Electronic Library, PubMed Central, and EBSCO), and electronic subscription services (IVIS)



Indexing of articles in full-text and abstract databases (specialized and polythematic, including scientometric ones) remains the most effective way of distributing the journal to the readers. The inclusion of a journal in a particular database or indexing in a search engine is neither an achievement nor aim but just a means of distributing content. However, for indexing, the journal must meet the criteria and follow the rules of the databases where it intends to be indexed. This principle applies to both the technical aspect (transfer of published content to the database via XML files through API or FTP, properties and structure of the journal website, etc.) and content quality (including its formatting in PDF).

Eco-Vector ensures that the characteristics of journal sites and content published meet the most stringent requirements of international databases such as SCOPUS, MEDLINE, and Web of Science. We cooperate with the Association of Science Editors and Publishers as well as major international publishers (Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, etc.) and implement their recommendations and technologies into the daily practice of journal publishing. This application enables us to index the journals of the publishing house in SCOPUS and Web of Science.

The publishing house is ready to share the experience and knowledge in the field of indexing scientific journals in databases with its partners, assist in the modernization of publications and submit indexing applications as well as hold correspondence with representatives of indexing organizations on behalf of partners and generate and transfer files directly (XML, PDF, and XHTML) to indexing databases.


DOI assignment

Eco-Vector Publishing House is an official member of the Publishers International Linking Association, which operates under the Crossref brand (publisher prefix 10.17816). When publishing journals, we assign DOI obligatorily to all articles, thereby ensuring that the publication meets the international requirements of scientific communication.

Assigning DOI to articles of scientific journals is accompanied by sending relevant information about the article and its authors to the Crossref database, which is then used on the platforms such as ORCiD, Publons, Web of Science, SCOPUS, PubMed, and Mendeley.

On request, DOI is assigned to individual elements of articles such as images, appendices, additional files, and layout files (PDF).


Collection of statistics and analytics of the journal

The management of the journal and its development require feedback from readers, assessment of indicators of demand for publication, audit, and systematic restructuring of editorial and publishing processes. We provide journals with the collection of full-fledged statistics on the relevance of the publication for readers (views, downloads of full texts and individual components of articles in different formats, and citations, including through DOI, reference in social networks, and access to articles on independent sites through Altmetrics services) as well as editorial processes (duration of the stages of review and preparation of articles for publication, the share of rejected manuscripts and those sent for revision, etc.). The analysis of these statistical data provides a balanced assessment of the editorial staff effectiveness, the impact of new technologies and practices in the journal development, which enables us to choose the most effective tools for increasing the competitiveness of publication all over the World.


Audit of the journal and creation of a development program

The publishing house provides an analysis of an existing journal and its website with compliance to the requirements of international scientometric databases (SCOPUS, Web of Science), abstract and full-text databases (Russian Science Citation Index, DOAJ, MedLine, and PubMed Central), Higher Attestation Commission, and search engines (Google Scholar, Google, Yandex, etc.).

Based on the audit, we draw up a development program and propose reasonable changes in the journal itself, its website, and procedures for selecting and formatting the content. We also help to implement the program and achieve the aims set by the journal’s directorship.


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Eco-Vector, 1998-2025